About Edgar and His Art . . .
The roots of my love of graphic and artistic design began in college. I went on to work in advertising and publishing. Later I earned a graduate degree in special education. Even with a graduate degree in education I was able to find a way to combine my love of graphic design with my career in education. When I worked for an education institute as head their product production department, I thought I had the perfect job.
It was then that Apple released their first “graphic” computer, the Lisa. This was a revolutionary machine. It was the first one to offer painting, drawing and word processing that offered true “WSIWYG,” – what you see is what you get. And the first computer to use a mouse to move the cursor around the screen. Shortly after Apple released Lisa they came out with the Mac – and everything changed.
At the institute we replaced the Lisas with Macs and a laser printer. I was able to convert the entire production department to a completely Mac based system. That meant no more photographic type setting, no more having to go to the graphic shop to have copies of images and text made. It revolutionized the whole operation of graphic design and arts.
Today as a graphic designer and artist I have a huge array of tools at my disposal for creating and exploring ideas and trying out new techniques. I love creating and trying out new ideas and looks. After so many years of creating websites, brochures and educational materials, I have finally started creating for myself and for the sheer joy of creation. I hope you like my work and I hope it brings you as much joy as it does me.
My art is available for purchase in various sizes. They are printed on canvas and wrapped on a 1.5 inch frame. They also come with saw-tooth hangers for mounting on walls. They are also can be printed on quality art paper for matting and framing.
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If you have any questions please use the contact form on this site to communicate with us and we will do our best to answer your question or provide any information you may need.